All writing, design, video editing, and strategies are my own, unless otherwise indicated.


Strategic Storytelling

It starts with active curiosity, listening to people’s lived experiences, then passing the mic. The craft is in leveraging those stories in a unique and resonant way—centering the whole person first and foremost—to shift narratives and inspire action.

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In the face of injustice and inequity, silence is not an option. Words hold power and they matter more than ever. Audiences support brands and organizations based on what they stand loud and proud for.


Cards, Books & Special Projects

A selection of some of the products I wrote and projects I led during my time at Hallmark.

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Programs & Events Marketing

Every program, event and organization has its own personality and appeal. It’s about finding creative approaches and effective campaigns to get people to rally behind your initiative. Here’s some of the work I’ve done to draw audiences to join.


Paid Ads

Ad campaigns are the middle of the Venn Diagram between strategy and creativity. Here are some of the ones I’ve created and co-created.

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Digital Advocacy & Organizing

The internet can be a lot, but how cool is it that we can use the digital and social tools at our disposal to build movements, challenge dominant narratives, demand accountability, and mobilize people anywhere in the world?

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Planning websites for brands is like a massive mental puzzle that nerds like me love. ​I did the sitemap, copywriting, and creative direction for these sites.